Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet
Arthur Conan Doyle
In English language
‘There’s a scarlet thread of crime and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it.’
Sherlock Holmes has a clear vision to fight crime through the logic of the mind.
In “A Study in Scarlet”, Sherlock Holmes is summoned to a crime scene in a London house where they find a murder has happened and a mysterious word has been written in blood. The police are baffled by the crime and its circumstances. But when Sherlock Holmes applies his brilliantly logical mind to the problem he uncovers a tale of love and revenge.
Janna Ramos-Violante invites the members of the audience to join the society of detectives in a highly entertaining, multi-layered interactive evening of entertainment and secrets.
Achtung: Das Stück hält einige Besonderheiten und Überraschungen bereit, weshalb FREIE PLATZWAHL gilt – es gibt also keine nummerierten Sitzreihen wie im Buchungsplan angezeigt. Tickets mit Platznummern behalten selbstverständlich ihre Gültigkeit, die Sitzplatzreservierung wird jedoch aufgehoben. Wählen Sie daher einfach vor Ort einen Platz Ihrer Wahl.
Please note: The play has some special features and a few surprises - which is why there is FREE CHOICE OF SEATS, so there are no numbered rows of seats as shown in the booking plan. Tickets with seat numbers will of course remain valid, but the seat reservation will be cancelled. Simply select a seat of your preference.
Duration: 1h 10min
Ausgewählter Termin
Do. 19.12.2024 19.30