Salzburg State Theatre (LTH) – Schwarzstraße 22
Ticket Office – Theatergasse/Schwarzstraße 16
Chamber Theatre (KS) – Schwarzstraße 24
Rehearsal Centre Aigen (PZA) – Aigner Straße 52a
Felsenreitschule (FRS) – Hofstallgasse 1
Great Festival Hall (GFH) – Hofstallgasse 1
Stage 24 in the Puppet Theatre (B24) – Schwarzstraße 24
House for Mozart (HFM) – Hofstallgasse 1
Schloss Leopoldskron – Leopoldskronstraße 56-58
Public Transport
You can comfortably reach the Salzburg State Theatre by using the public transport system of the Salzburg Transport association.
Subscription tickets as well a subscription swap tickets of the Salzburg State Theatre (except for children’s, teen’s, gift and elective subscriptions) are valid as travel tickets for all public transport lines within the core zone of Salzburg plus the bus line 24 from Freilassing Sonnenfeld up to Ferdinand-Hanusch-Platz on the day of the performance starting 4 hours before the performance starts and until the end of operations.
Kartenbüro / Landestheater / Kammerspiele / Bühne 24 / Marionettentheater, Schwarzstraße 22-24
Bus stop Makartplatz A/B Landestheater (coming from the train station):
Bus lines 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 160, 170, 175, 913
Bus stop Makartplatz C / Theatergasse:
Bus lines: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 21, 22, 25, 270, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915
Bus stop Makartplatz D/E:
Bus lines: 23, 120, 121, 130, 140, 144, 180, 181,260
Bus stop Ferdinand-Hanusch-Platz:
Bus lines 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 24, 27, 28, 911, 913, 914, 915, 925 (cross Makartsteg)
Festspielhäuser, Hofstallgasse 1
Bus stop Ferdinand-Hanusch-Platz:
Linien 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 925
Bus stop Herbert-von-Karajan-Platz:
Lines 1, 8, 10, 22, 27
Probenzentrum Aigen, Aigner Straße 52a
Bus stop Überfuhrstraße / Diakoniezentrum:
Lines 7, 160
Stop Aigen S-Bahn:
Lines 7, 160, Local train S3
Eisarena Salzburg, Hermann-Bahr-Promenade 2
Bus stop Volksgarten:
Linien 6, 7, 10, 12, 160
Haus der Natur, Museumplatz 5
Bus stop Ferdinand-Hanusch-Platz:
Linies 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28
Haltestelle Mönchsbergaufzug:
Linies 1, 8, 10, 22, 27
Linies 23, 24, 27, 28
Schloss Leopoldskron, Leopoldskronstraße 56 - 58
Bus stop Nussdorferstraße:
Lines 21, 22 (10 min. footway)
Bus stop Seniorenheim Nonntal:
Line 25 (10 min. footway)
Short-term parking zones: (max. duration of parking: 3 hrs.):
Monday – Friday: 9 am – 7 pm, fee-based
Saturday: 9 am – 4 pm, free of charge, parking meter required!
Mirabel garage, Mirabellplatz 5:
Entrance from 6 pm until max. 6 am
Rate: 5 € as of 2 hrs. of parking
Mönchsberggarage/Hildmannplatz 1:
Rate: 4 € for 4 hrs, 6 € for 8 hrs.
Parking tickets for the Mirabell- as well as the Mönchsberggarage
have to be punched by the audience service.
Raiffeisen-Parking Garage, Schwarzstraße 13:
Rate: 7 € for 6 hrs, only open until midnight!
Schloss Leopoldskron, Leopoldskronstraße 56 – 58:
Parking space of the Hotel Schloss Leopoldskron
Rehearsal Centre Aigen
We recommend to use public transport for getting to the rehearsal centre (Busstop “Überfuhrstraße / Diakoniezentrum” and “S-Bahnhof Aigen”).
People who are using a wheelchair have the possibility to call the wheelchair-taxi: (+43) 0664 7380 9509
The taxi driver is called Stefan Huber and the taxi can accommodate 2 wheelchairs.
You can find all information here.