The Diary of Anne Frank
Anne Frank
Ages 10 and up / A monologue
A place of longing and consolation, her best friend – all this and more is what Anne Frank’s diary means to her. Paper doesn’t blush and it is a much better listener than most people, which is why Anne begins writing regularly to her imaginary friend “Kitty”. Anne Frank’s diary is a moving and direct account of all the everyday struggles of growing up, such as first loves, but in unimaginable circumstances.
The Franks, a family of German Jews, flee to Amsterdam in 1933. But in May 1940, the Nazis invade the Netherlands. When Anne’s father Otto Frank receives a summons from the SS to “report for a possible work deployment abroad” in 1942, the family goes into hiding in an annex of the building of Otto’s company. His former employees conceal them and cater to their needs. Later on, the Franks are joined in their hiding place by a dentist and by another couple with their sixteen-year-old son Peter. In her diary, Anne vividly describes the isolated coexistence of these eight people in a confined space, the conflicts that arise from this situation as well as the fears that come with a life in hiding.
Anne’s last diary entry dates from 1 August 1944. Their hideout had remained undiscovered for 25 months – but eventually, the occupants are betrayed and deported. Anne Frank dies at Bergen-Belsen when she is just 15 years old, only weeks before the concentration camp’s liberation by the Allied Forces. But her story and her writing are known all over the world! Staged as a monologue, her diary becomes an immediate experience and unfolds its full power as one of the most moving and most authentic testimonies to the terrors of the Nazi regime.
Anne Frank (1929–1945) kept a diary from 12 June 1942 to 1 August 1944. Her father Otto Heinrich Frank, the only one in the family to survive the war and the Holocaust, published her memories, which were translated into more than 70 languages. The diary was included in the UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register in 2009. Several film adaptations have been made.
Resident director Christina Piegger has enthused audiences with her multi-faceted productions of plays for children and teenagers. Together with stage and costume designer Sonja Böhm, she sets the stage for the words of Anne Frank. Böhm has for instance designed stages and costumes for the Teatru National Radu Stanca Sibiu, the Wiesbaden and Oldenburg state theatres and the Salzburg State Theatre.
Duration: 85 min / no break
Audio introduction
von Patricia Pfisterer
Christina Piegger
Stage and Costume Design
Sonja Böhm
Patricia Pfisterer
Anne Frank Lisa Fertner
"Regisseurin Christina Piegger formt die Traumsequenzen als zusätzliche Ebene heraus: Die Wand von Anne Franks Zimmer öffnet sich für eine Hinterbühne, die in grellen Farben aus dem Alltagsgrau entführt. Einmal posiert das Mädchen als Fotomodel, dann taucht es in die blutrot gefärbte Front des Zweiten Weltkriegs ein. Dieses Mittel verschafft der Bühnenfigur, dem Publikum und nicht zuletzt der Darstellerin kurze Momente der Zerstreuung. Denn was Lisa Fertner in rund 80 Minuten leistet, ist beachtlich. Sie bewältigt die exponierte Bühnensituation und die Textmenge des Monologs bravourös und zeigt Präsenz."
"Für Lehrpersonal der Mittel- und Oberstufe ist diese Theaterproduktion ein Geschenk für ihre Klassen. Vor allem jene jungen Leute können damit abgeholt werden, denen das Lesen allein zu wenig emotionalen Zugang ermöglicht. Christina Piegger vermeidet in ihrer Inszenierung Irritationen durch logische oder emotionale Brüche, sodass eine Geschichte in der Klarheit und Eindeutigkeit ausgeführt wird, wie Kinder und Jugendliche es bevorzugen. Dazu passt das nuancenreiche, aber erfreulicher Weise nicht outrierende Spiel Lisa Fertners, die sich damit zur Identifikationsfigur und als literarische Projektionsfläche anbietet."