Die Gäste und die Flugbegleiter stehen am Schalter des Flughafens
Amber Norelai und Ensemble
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Die Reisenden schütten ihre Wasserflaschen auf die Flugbegleiterin im lila Anzug.
Mona Akinola und Chor
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Contessa wird von Servicepersonal und Koffern umgeben
Nicole Lubinger und Bewegungschor
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Contessa tanzt  mit dem Servicepersonal und Koffern
Nicole Lubinger und Bewegungschor
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Barone di Trombonok und Antonio sitzen am Paketband
Željko Zaplatić und Pasquale Greco
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Luke Sinclair
Luke Sinclair
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Katie Coventry und Yevheniy Kapitula
Katie Coventry und Yevheniy Kapitula
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Yevheniy Kapitula, Katie Coventry und Theodore Browne
Yevheniy Kapitula, Katie Coventry und Theodore Browne
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Daniele Macciantelli, Pasquale Greco, Katie Coventry und Theodore Browne
Daniele Macciantelli, Pasquale Greco, Katie Coventry und Theodore Browne
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Anita Giovanna Rosati und Hyunduk Kim
Anita Giovanna Rosati und Hyunduk Kim
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Anita Giovanna Rosati und Hyunduk Kim
Anita Giovanna Rosati und Hyunduk Kim
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Anita Giovanna Rosati und Hyunduk Kim
Anita Giovanna Rosati und Hyunduk Kim
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
George Humphreys
George Humphreys
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
George Humphreys
George Humphreys
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
George Humphreys und Chor
George Humphreys und Chor
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Anita Giovanna Rosati
Anita Giovanna Rosati
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Daniele Macciantelli
Daniele Macciantelli
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Mona Akinola, Željko Zaplatić, Michael Schober und Daniele Macciantelli
Mona Akinola, Željko Zaplatić, Michael Schober und Daniele Macciantelli
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Das gesamte Ensemble steht nebeneinander auf der Bühne vor der Kulisse des Flughafens.. Jede Person hält einen Papierflieger in der Hand.
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Katie Coventry, George Humphreys und Michael Schober
Katie Coventry, George Humphreys und Michael Schober
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Theodore Browne und Katie Coventry
Theodore Browne und Katie Coventry
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Yevheniy Kapitula, Katie Coventry, Theodore Browne und Ensemble
Yevheniy Kapitula, Katie Coventry, Theodore Browne und Ensemble
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Pasquale Greco und George Humphreys
Pasquale Greco und George Humphreys
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Nicole Lubinger, Bewegungschor und Chor
Nicole Lubinger, Bewegungschor und Chor
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Anita Giovanna Rosati
Anita Giovanna Rosati
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall


Gioachino Rossini

in Italian with German and English subtitles

Dramma giocoso in one act and two scenes by Luigi Balocchi

Premiere: 21.09.2024 / Landestheater


“One of the oddest and most exhilarating entertainments ever to issue from the pen of an opera composer.” – That’s how Rossini’s biographer Richard Osborne describes the musical fireworks that represent a playful and affectionate overview of the composer’s entire wealth of experience. The plot of the opera is as simple as it is brilliant: A motley crew of eccentric visitors from various European countries are planning to travel to Reims (which was then the centre of power, comparable to Brussels today) but are prevented from arriving at their destination. During their involuntary wait, these highly individual European characters mingle – some eyeing each other warily, some making eyes at each other. Most importantly, however, they make use of every occasion to express their emotions musically by bursting into virtuous song.

Rossini’s last opera in Italian is a masterpiece for an incredible cast of ten leading parts, many supporting parts and choir. Rossini put the skills of his large ensemble to full use, letting the first scene peak in a composition for 14 voices and tailoring his highly virtuous arias and ensembles to the abilities of his singers.

The world premiere in Paris on 19 June 1825 was attended by the King and was received enthusiastically. Rossini (1792– 1868) subsequently withdrew the work and re-used its music for other operas. The opera had long been considered lost, but was rediscovered and performed at the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro in 1984, with Claudio Abbado conducting. Since then, it has graced many season programmes.

The Italian director Andrea Bernard from Bolzano will stage Rossini’s comedy at the Salzburg State Theatre. He also presented “Carmen” at the theatre tent and recently dazzled the opera world with a new production of “Don Carlo” in Como. First Kapellmeister Carlo Benedetto Cimento, who has enthralled Salzburg audiences with “Il barbiere di Siviglia” and “Lucio Silla”, will be conducting.

We would like to thank Salzburg Airport W. A. ​​Mozart for the loans.

Duration: 3h / one break



„Im Ensemblehöhepunkt, dem 13-stimmigen Gran pezzo concertato, zeigt sich aber auch die kollektive Energie der weitgehend passgenau ausgewählten Sängerpersönlichkeiten: keine geringe Leistung für die Kapazitäten dieses Theaters.“

Salzburger Nachrichten

„Lustvoll und pointiert, mit überschäumendem Witz werden Geschichten über Geschichten erzählt. Die Spielfreude des Ensembles kennt ebensowenig Grenzen wie der Erfindungsreichtum der Regie. Ganz wesentlich: Das ist alles auf den Punkt hin getrimmt und entspricht dem Rädchenwerk der Musik-Maschinerie. Ein Timing, wie man es sich wünscht.“

Drehpunkt Kultur

Audio introduction

von Anna N. M. Lea


Musical Director Carlo Benedetto Cimento (09/21, 09/24, 10/01, 10/05, 10/09, 10/27, 10/30, 11/22)
Tobias Meichsner (10/11, 10/13, 10/17, 10/24)

Director Andrea Bernard

State Design Alberto Beltrame

Costume Design Elena Beccaro

Choreography Daniel Therrien

Dramaturgy Anna N. M. Lea

Corinna Anita Giovanna Rosati

Marchesa Melibea Katie Coventry

Contessa Folleville Nicole Lubinger

Madama Cortese Amber Norelai

Il Cavalier Belfiore Hyunduk Kim

Il Conte di Libenskof Theodore Browne

Lord Sidney George Humphreys

Don Profondo Daniele Macciantelli

Barone di Trombonok Pasquale Greco

Don Alvaro Yevheniy Kapitula

Don Prudenzio Michael Schober (09/21, 09/24, 10/01, 10/05, 10/09, 10/17, 10/24, 10/27, 10/30, 11/22)

Don Luigino/Zeffirino Alexander Hüttner
Luke Sinclair

Delia / Maddalena Mona Akinola
Kay Heles

Modestina Kay Heles
Connor Locke

Antonio Željko Zaplatić

Bewegungschor Daniel Therrien
Minori Therrien
Victoria D’Agostino
Paulo Muniz

Orchester Mozarteumorchester Salzburg