Vea Kaiser
Folk play with brass music.
Bühnenfassung von Larissa A. Jank / Kooperation mit der Musikkapelle Anif und dem Salzburger Amateurtheaterverband
Vea Kaiser's best-selling novel full of strange people and events conquers the stage of the Salzburg State Theater in its own theatrical version. In an endearing and humorous way, “Blasmusikpop” tells of the conflict between tradition and change, roots and cosmopolitanism.
In a small, isolated mountain village, Johannes A. Irrwein wants to put his life in the service of science. But with this aspiring goal, the intelligent young person is pretty much alone in a down-to-earth village community where deafening church bells and brass music set the pace of coexistence. When he fails his school-leaving exams through no fault of his own, Johannes is forced to spend the summer in the village. In the spirit of his ancient role model Herodotus, he wants to research the habits and customs of the “mountain barbarians”. Between the stubborn patriarchs of the council of elders, the Nordic-walking group of mothers, a pregnant village princess, a soccer ace and a fascinating, newly arrived city girl, an unexpectedly exciting field of research unfolds for Johannes. Armed with his notebook, he gets involved with the village community for the first time in years and unintentionally helps them to the biggest event in their history with a legendary football game.
In collaboration with the Anif music band and the Salzburg Amateur Theater Association, the polyphonic village cosmos is brought to life.
Vea Kaiser (*1988) published her debut novel “Blasmusikpop” in 2012 when she was just 23 years old. It quickly became a bestseller, as did the following works “Makarionissi or The Island of the Blessed” and “Backwards Waltz”. The novel premiered as a “brass music opera” by Thomas Doss in 2021 at the United Theaters in Bozen.
Initiated by in-house director Christina Piegger, the young author Larissa A. Jank, who comes from Carinthia, is developing the stage version for the Salzburg State Theater, in which, in addition to the acting ensemble, players from the amateur theater association also take part. Of course, pop gets the necessary brass music - through a formation by the music band Anif.
Duration: 2 hours, 40 minutes (one intermission)
"Das alles zündete und machte die Uraufführung von Larissa A. Janks Theaterfassung aus Vea Kaisers gleichnamigen Erfolgsroman im Salzburger Landestheater zum echten Alpentheaterknüller. Das Publikum fühlte sich aufs Feinste unterhalten, was auch der Kooperation mit der Musikkapelle Anif, Mitgliedern des Amateurverbands Salzburg und dem Theaterkinderchor zu verdanken ist.“
Selected performance
Th 12/07/2023 07.30 pm
Salzburger Landestheater
Audio introduction
von Friederike Bernau
Cast (on 12/07/2023)
Christina Piegger
State Design
Karl-Heinz Steck
Costume Design
Manuela Weilguni
Friederike Bernau
Enkel Johannes A. Irrwein
Aaron Röll
Opa Dr. Johannes Gerlitzen
Walter Sachers
Peppi Gippel, Stürmer-Star
Thomas Wegscheider
Tochter Maria Rettenstein
Patricia Falk
Simona Nowak
Lisa Fertner
Mutter Ilse Irrwein
Larissa Enzi
Vater Alois Irrwein
Georg Clementi
Vater Toni Rettenstein / Direktor Luftinger
Axel Meinhardt
Mutter Marianne Rettenstein
KS Britta Bayer
Severin Dietrich / Schuarl
Nikola Jaritz-Rudle
Mutter Angelika Rossbrand
Barbara Macheiner
Mutter Sabine Arber
Claudia Gmachl
Mutter Moni Ötsch
Veronika Pernthaner-Maeke
Mutter Martha Kaunergrat
Sabine Eder
Mutter Hilde Wildstrubel
Corinna Abele
Mutter Elisabeth Ebersberger
Tabea Baur
Opa Anton Rettenstein
Stefan Adamski
Opa Friedrich Ebersberger
Franz Hillerzeder
Opa Gerhard Rossbrand
Kurt Lenzbauer
Opa Wilhelm Hochschwab
Anton Zwilling
Sohn Karli Ötsch
Christoph Lux
Sepp Gippel, Fußballtrainer
Sebastian Stangl
Fritz Ebersberger, Bürgermeister
Josef Ebser
Pfarrer Chochlea
Josef Hippolt
Pfarrsekreterin Grete
Paula Tchotchov
Sohn Robert Rossbrand / Mauritz von Baumberg
Philipp Breitfuss
Albert Fenner / Cousin Günther Pflicker
Nikolas Kendi
Ferdinand Blumenbach
Nathaniel Wieshofer
Dorfjugend / Fußballer*innen / Gymnasiast*innen / Musen
Elisa Ehrenreich, Alice Knauseder, Valentina Obermüller, Alja Pausch, Leonhard Radauer, Maria Reichhart, Leo Schöndorfer, Sophia Schuh, Ida Tomasi, Josefine Walther
Amelie Crewe, Elena Crewe, Matilda Crewe, Lorina Gahleitner, Emilia Grabner, Ben Kleibel, Eileen Lach, Mattheo Macheiner, Henry Stiles, Juliet Stiles
FC St. Pauli
Ida Tomasi
Martin Trippensee
Die Musikkapelle von St. Peter am Anger
Musiker*innen der Musikkapelle Anif
Brigitte Straubhaar
Birgit Schnöll
Franz Eibl, Eberhard Egner
Jürgen Haslinger, Thomas Linder
Max Stock, Johannes Krempl
Max Hofreiter
Erhard Stöllinger
Schlagzeug/Percussion Siegfried Siller, Severin Siller, Markus Schnöll, Niklas May