Der Ring des Nibelungen

Richard Wagner

Tickets are sold through the puppet theater

Wiederaufnahme: 25. Oktober 2023 / Marionettentheater


“Das Rheingold”, “Die Walküre”, “Siegfried” and “Götterdämmerung” all appear in one evening. The entire epic is told without taking away the seriousness of the material and the tetralogy. The coexistence of puppet and human enables astonishing changes of perspective and the great poetry is thus re-evaluated in a smaller form. The co-production with the Salzburg Marionette Theater from the 2011/2012 season, which has already been successfull in New York, can now finally be seen again in Salzburg.

“Finally no hour-long Wotan monologues, no Erda nonsense and no Wanderer quiz show! Von Maldeghem demonstrates a sure hand for great effects in a small space.” Deutschlandradio

Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes / one intermission

Selected performance

Th 10/26/2023 04.00 pm


Cast (on 10/26/2023)

Inszenierung / szenische Fassung Carl Philip von Maldeghem

Musikalische Fassung Philippe Brunner

Figurenspielkonzeption Gretl Aicher
Philippe Brunner

Co-Regie Claudia Carus

Figurenentwürfe, Bühne, Kostüme Christian Floeren

Bildhauer Reinhard Feldinger

Lichtdesign Eduard Stipsits

Dramaturgie Astrid Großgasteiger

Sie Christiani Wetter

Er Tim Oberließen

Marionettenspieler*innen Philippe Brunner
Vladimir Fediakov
Edouard Funck
Heide Hölzl
Maximilian Kiener
Emanuel Paulus
Philipp Schmidt
Eva Wiener
Ursula Winzer