Der Zauberer von Oz
L. Frank Baum
For children 5 years and older.
Bühnenfassung von Klaus Mißbach und Wolfram Starczewski nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von L. Frank Baum / Musik von Andreas Radovan
We’re in for excitement, surprises and adventures! Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, also known as Kansas, there lives Dorothy with her aunt Em and her uncle Henry. Her daily life consists of hard work, tranquillity and much boredom. But one day, which had started out like any of the other days of perpetual sameness, a mass of clouds appears in the sky and a mighty storm starts brewing. Is this Dorothy’s chance to exchange the dull hinterland for a land of magic? With her house and her dog, Dorothy is blown into a new and magical world, which she sets out to explore. But how will she ever get home? The Good Witch of the North tells her to follow the “yellow brick road” to the Emerald City and to ask the Wizard of Oz for help. The Cowardly Lion, the Tin Man and the Scarecrow, who are looking for courage, a heart and a brain, accompany Dorothy on her adventure and become her close friends. They are neither brainless, nor heartless, nor cowardly! When they finally meet the wizard, illusion and reality start to blend and the answers they are looking for are nowhere to be found …
“The Wizard of Oz” is about the power of friendship and the courage to believe in yourself. A wonderfully poetic story with catchy tunes that will delight the whole family – the world-famous novel by L. Frank Baum in a new and original retelling.
Duration: 1 hour 25 minutes (incl. pause)
„Wirbelige Bewegung, Bühnentechnik, Musik – das ist alles hoch professionell synchronisiert. Entsprechend begeistert die Publikumsreaktion nach der Premiere. [...] Richard Panzenböck (Regie) und die Ausstatterin Geraldine Massing lassen im Landestheater die Hexen vom Schnürboden kommen und die menschlichen Protagonisten im Boden versinken. So schlicht das Bühnenbild, so raffiniert wird die Technik eingesetzt.“
„Aufregung, Überraschungen und Abenteuer vorprogrammiert! [...] Der Zauberer von Oz“ handelt von der Kraft der Freundschaft und dem Mut, an sich selbst zu glauben. Eine wunderbar poetische Geschichte mit viel Musik für die ganze Familie – neu und frei erzählt nach dem weltberühmten Roman von L. Frank Baum.“
Selected performance
We 12/13/2023 11.00 am
Salzburger Landestheater
Audio introduction
von Patricia Pfisterer
Cast (on 12/13/2023)
Richard Panzenböck
Stage and Costume Design
Geraldine Massing
Andreas Radovan
Patricia Pfisterer
Richard Panzenböck
Kate Watson
Josef Vesely
Patricia Pfisterer
Leyla Bischoff
Gregor Schulz
Thomas Wegscheider
Löwin, Tante Em
Elisabeth Mackner
Zauberer von Oz, Hexe des Nordens, Pförtnerin, Tante Em
Lisa Fertner
Hexe des Westens, Onkel Henry Martin Trippensee