The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Loosely based on the poem by J.W. von Goethe / A dance-fairytale
6 +
Whoosh! Bang! It’s hotting up in the Sorcerer’s laboratory today because the old wizard has left his young apprentice on his own. A pupil working for a great magician will find it exhausting: the laboratory must always be in tip-top shape. And yet the prospective magician doesn’t want to be bossed about any more. He wants to test his own magic skills. He quickly invited his friends round and they took a look at the strictly forbidden Magic Book. And straight away the most astonishing things started to happen: objects became alive and the drab room was transformed into a turbulent confusion.
Meanwhile, the apprentice had completely forgotten to do his homework. A magic spell is quickly found and the broom, all on its own, filled up the water trough. But how do you stop it? Is the whole house going to get flooded? In desperation they broke the broom in half and Presto...both parts of the broom started fetching water! Luckily the Master came back in time and showed the friends what they still had to learn.
With the dancing of the Salzburg Ballet Ensemble, based on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s ballad, a magical adventure is created in which the world-renowned work is humorously staged.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s (1749-1832) Ballad »The Sorcerer’s Apprentice« (1797) is one of his best known poems. Indeed, Walt Disney was inspired to create his cartoon »Fantasia« (1940) in which Mickey Mouse as trainee wizard fought against the cascades of water. Countless ballet productions made the young magician into a darling of the public.
Kate Watson, Alexander Korobko and Josef Vesely had already enthused the young public with their choreography of »Dance Around the World in 80 days« and »Wild im Wald« in studio theatre. The choreography of Josef Vesely and Kate Watson featured in the 2015/2016 program for »The King of Narnia«. And Alexander Korobko’s signature as choreographer was on »Sündenfall« (»The Fall of Man«).
Duration: approx. 65 mins / no intermission
"Wann ist die nächste Vorstellung? Welche und wie viele Kinder kann man sich wo zur Tarnung ausleihen? Das Ballett ‚Der Zauberlehrling‘ in den Kammerspielen - dort ist mehr Platz zum Tanzen als man glauben möchte - ist einfach ein Hit. […] Hingehen. Verzaubern lassen. Und dann gleich wieder hingehen."
Alexander Korobko
Josef Vesely
Kate Watson
Costume and Stage Design
Karl-Heinz Steck
Angela Beyerlein
Martin Moser
Edward Nunes
Pedro Pires
José Flaviano de Mesquita Junior
Karine de Matos
Mikino Karube
Anna Yanchuk
Diego da Cunha
Iure de Castro
Edward Nunes
Marian Meszaros
Naila Fiol
Diego da Cunha
Iure de Castro
Otto Wotroba
Mikino Karube
Anna Yanchuk
Edward Nunes
Besen (Solo)
Marian Meszaros
Mikino Karube
Arianna Rene Spitz
Anna Yanchuk
Diego da Cunha
Iure de Castro
Naila Fiol
Arianna Rene Spitz
Otto Wotroba