Die Sprache des Wassers
Sarah Crossan
For children 10 years and older
Bühnenfassung von Anna Lukasser-Weitlaner nach dem gleichnamigen Roman
In the water, everything seems lighter. In the water, the world stands still for a brief moment. In the water, thoughts come to a halt, the thoughts that usually swirl like a whirlpool, pulling Kasienka into an endless sadness and draining her of all strength. Because when Kasienka swims, she can finally switch off and forget. Forget that she recently moved from Poland to England with just one suitcase and an old laundry bag. Forget that her father left her for a better life. Forget that her new classmates treat her with contemptuous glances. Forget that she doesn't speak the language well enough and simply feels infinitely foreign in this new home. Only when she resurfaces does she find herself again in a small one-room apartment, exhausted from the evening journeys through the city, searching for her father, who doesn't want to be found because he has already started a new family. Kasienka has known this for a long time, but her mother cannot and will not accept the bitter truth. When Kasienka joins the swim team and meets William, a wave of happiness seems to wash over her.
Sarah Crossan tells a very poetic story about the feeling of alienation and identity loss, but also about how Kasienka finds her own way to adapt to the new situation while remaining true to herself.
Duration: 50 Minutes / no intermission
Selected performance
Su 01/21/2024 11.00 am
Audio introduction
von Christina Piegger
Cast (on 01/21/2024)
Anna Lukasser-Weitlaner
Christina Piegger
Kasienka, Tochter
Nicola Kripylo
Ola, Mutter / Melanie, neue Frau von Tata Gabriele Fischer
„Anna Lukasser-Weitlaner zeichnet nicht nur für die Bühnenfassung, sondern auch für Regie und Ausstattung verantwortlich. In rund einer Dreiviertelstunde Spieldauer gelingt es der Landestheater-Spartenchefin, die Geschichte plausibel zu erzählen und ohne Cringe-(Fremdschäm-)Effekt in die Gedankenwelt einer Zwölfjährigen einzutauchen. All das macht „Die Sprache des Wassers“ zu einem wertvollen Theatererlebnis für die Generation Netflix.“