© SLT / Tobias Witzgall


Galt MacDermot

The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical

In German with English lyrics

Buch und Texte von Gerome Ragni und James Rado / Musik von Galt MacDermot / Deutsch von Nico Rabenald

Wiederaufnahme: 22. September 2024 / Landestheater


Welcome to the “Age of Aquarius”, a time of upheaval, a time without racism, without war. “Hair” is considered a milestone in pop culture and captures the zeitgeist of the young generation, not just from the 1960s, but from the hippie movement to the climate movement. Due to the extremely high demand for play series at the Felsenreitschule, the Deutsches Theater München and the Landestheater, the production is now being shown again.

“It's actually shocking how relevant this fifty-year-old flower power show - the premiere was in April 1968 - about long hair, hard drugs, pleasurable sex and exuberant rebellion still is today, at least when it's staged in such a stirring and rousing way is like from musical professional Andreas Gergen.” Bayerischer Rundfunk

Duration: 2h 30 min / one break

Selected performance

Fr 11/01/2024 03.00 pm

Salzburger Landestheater

Cast (on 11/01/2024)

Inszenierung Andreas Gergen

Musical Director Wolfgang Götz

Choreography Stephen Martin Allan

Bühne Stefanie Seitz

Kostüme Aleksandra Kica

Dramaturgy Thomas Rufin

Claude Simon Stockinger

Berger Denis Riffel

Sheila Julia-Elena Heinrich

Dionne Tertia Botha

Woof Aaron Röll

Hud Savio Byrczak

Jeannie Sophia Gorgi

Crissy Nicola Kripylo
Maria Joachimstaller

Tribe-Mitglied Timotheus Timotheus Hollweg

Tribe-Mitglied Anneka Anneka Dacres

Tribe-Mitglied Rob Rob Krucible

Tribe-Mitglied Kate Kate Watson

Tribe-Mitglied Daniel Daniel Therrien

Tribe-Mitglied Minori Minori Therrien

Margaret Mead / Politiker / Offizier / George Washington Marco Dott

Hubert / Politiker / Frank Mills / Offizier Martin Trippensee

Vater / Offizier Horst Zalto

Mutter / Offizierin Sylvia Offermans

Gefängniswärter Alexander Hüttner

Chor Salzburger Festspiele und Theater Kinderchor

Love-Rock-Band N. N.

Audio introduction

von Thomas Rufin