Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
Schauspiel-Jugendclub ACT OUT
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall


Von Otfried Preußler // Für die Bühne bearbeitet von Nina Achminow

Premiere: 27.04.2024 / Kammerspiele


By Otfried Preußler // Edited for the stage by Nina Achminow

“Krabat, Krabat, Krabat…!” sounds incessantly in his head. The voices just won't stop and haunt him day and night. Finally, Krabat follows the eerie calls and finds himself in the mill in Koselbruch. Everything should be better there now, because everyone is helped there, right? Despite a regular daily routine, group therapy and coordinated medication, a black, oppressive veil continues to fall over everything and everyone. The easy moments, the chances of improvement are just brief glimmers of hope in the gray everyday life. To function, to belong and not to be different, not to be sick – these are the great wishes of everyone. But, as if afflicted by black magic, the illnesses have a firm grip on the mill's patients. When “the master” demands a journeyman as a sacrifice on New Year’s Eve, Krabat finally decides to fight against his “master”.

"My Krabat is [...] my story, the story of my generation and that of all young people who come into contact with power and its temptations and become entangled in it."

Otfried Preußler

Complete overkill, fear of failure, panic attacks, insomnia – the members of the acting youth club ACT OUT have made “Krabat” the play of their generation. Since the Corona pandemic, there has been a significant increase in mental illnesses among young people. In the production of the acting youth club ACT OUT, the master is reinterpreted as depression that one has to confront. The apprentices are all trapped in the sickening system of performance society. Above all, the question is: “How do I get power over my life again!?”

Duration: 1h 30min

Note: Strobe lighting is used during the performance.


Inszenierung Patricia Pfisterer

Choreographie Elena Althaler

Tonda Leonie Habermann

Yamin Marlene Wagner

Kantorka Amelie Jiroyan
Ella Steindl

Namira Dunja Kojadinovic

Leron Leo Schöndorfer

Atea Carolin Huber

Andrusch Emese Susanyi

Krabat Natalie Barta
Elias Lambo

Staschko Leonie Vitroler

Janna Anouk Risch

Leyla Enikö Schmidt

Juro Linus Baier

Louis Mateja Krunic

Petar Sebastian Grünbart-Flachberger

Lobosch Mauricio de Oliveira

Lyschko Maximilian Kendi