Ellis Kaut / Gerold Theobalt
Play for children: Ages 5 and up
Musik von Katrin Schweiger
He’s always joking, sometimes gruff, vexing people, stealing stuff – can you guess his name? When the otherwise sedate carpentry workshop of Master Eder falls into chaos, with bolts rattling, boards wobbling and things disappearing into thin air, it can mean only one thing: “Hooray, hooray, Pumuckl is on his way!”
One day, the cheeky little kobold, a goblin with unruly red hair, gets stuck on a pot of glue and suddenly becomes visible. Master Eder finds it hard to believe his eyes. But Pumuckl is very real – and he wants to stay. A cold wind is blowing outside and he is seeking refuge in the cosy workshop. Master Eder cannot bring himself to throw out the little red-haired creature. Pumuckl may stay until after Christmas – if he behaves! This is easier said than done. After all, it is in the nature of kobolds to play tricks on people. Before the candles on the Christmas tree are lit and Pumuckl is happily swaying on the children’s swing in his new home, many things will break and there will be much dispute and reconciliation, anger, tears and consolation – and a true little Christmas miracle.
The red-haired kobold was initially created for a radio play in 1962 by Ellis Kaut (1920–2015), who went on to write a total of 90 episodes, followed by several books, 52 TV episodes and three feature films. With her stories about Master Eder and his Pumuckl, Ellis Kaut created one of the most popular characters in German-language entertainment, winning the hearts of children and adults alike.
Sarah Henker has long been director in residence at the Salzburg State Theatre. With the brazen kobold Pumuckl, she makes her debut with our youngest audiences. Because of the restoration of the Salzburg State Theatre, Master Eder’s workshop has found a hospitable home on Stage 24 at the Salzburg Marionette Theatre next door.
Duration: 75 minutes/ no break
Selected performance
Mo 12/12/2022 09.00 am
Bühne 24 im Marionettentheater
Audio introduction
von Patricia Pfisterer
Cast (on 12/12/2022)
Sarah Henker
Stage and Costume Design
Matthias Kronfuss
Katrin Schweiger
Anna Lukasser-Weitlaner
Patricia Pfisterer
Gregor Schleuning
Meister Eder
Walter Sachers
Steffi Nicola Kripylo
Als er im wandelbaren Bühnenbild einer Tischlerwerkstatt mit allerlei ideenreicher Dreh-, Klapp- oder Schubfachfinessen seine Streiche spielt, kitzelt er mit seinem Werkstatt-Spuk kindliche Lachnerven. Aber richtig. […] Zum Schluss schmetterten die Kinder aus voller Kehle Pumuckls „Weihnachtswünsche-Lied“. Ein echter Theaterspaß an dem, im besten Wortsinn, Kinder ab fünf Jahren kleben bleiben.