Janna Ramos-Violante
Janna Ramos-Violante
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Janna Ramos-Violante and Owain Rhys Davies
Janna Ramos-Violante and Owain Rhys Davies
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Janna Ramos-Violante, Owain Rhys Davies and George Humphreys
Janna Ramos-Violante, Owain Rhys Davies and George Humphreys
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
George Humphreys and Owain Rhys Davies
George Humphreys and Owain Rhys Davies
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Owain Rhys Davies and George Humphreys
Owain Rhys Davies and George Humphreys
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
George Humphreys
George Humphreys
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
George Humphreys and Owain Rhys Davies
George Humphreys and Owain Rhys Davies
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Owain Rhys Davies, Janna Ramos Violante and George Humphreys
Owain Rhys Davies, Janna Ramos Violante and George Humphreys
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Owain Rhys Davies, Janna Ramos Violante and George Humphreys
Owain Rhys Davies, Janna Ramos Violante and George Humphreys
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Janna Ramos-Violante and George Humphreys
Janna Ramos-Violante and George Humphreys
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Owain Rhys Davies
Owain Rhys Davies
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Owain Rhys Davies, George Humphreys and Janna Ramos-Violante
Owain Rhys Davies, George Humphreys and Janna Ramos-Violante
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)

Adam Long, Daniel Singer and Jess Winfield

Premiere: November 9th 2023 / Kammerspiele


THERE IS A NEW THEATRE IN TOWN! The Salzburg State Theatre is building bridges and expanding its offering by introducing the International Theatre Salzburg. The objective of the International Theatre Salzburg is to bring professional English-language theatre to all generations of native speakers as well as local audiences.

Salzburg International Theatre continues with the success of London's West End. A totally crazy, incredibly funny and absolutely insane project: all 37 Shakespeare plays in 100 minutes! The evening is a crazy rollercoaster ride for the audience, leaving not a dry eye in the house. The three actors transform from Romeo to Othello, from Cleopatra to the Merry Wives of Windsor in a matter of seconds. Not a single comedy or tragedy, no royal drama or history is left out. Whether to be or not to be, it was the nightingale and not the lark when Desdemona prayed to the night, because there is something rotten in the state of Denmark, or is that the question here?

Those who love Shakespeare will love this show and those who hate Shakespeare will love it even more. No wonder “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)” has been a success wherever it is performed in the world since its premiere! The audience in Salzburg now has the rare chance to experience the play in the original language.

Duration: 97 minutes (more or less) plus 21 minutes intermission


Note: Strobe lighting is used during the performance.

Selected performance

We 11/15/2023 07.30 pm


Audio introduction

von Janna Ramos-Violante

Cast (on 11/15/2023)

Director Marco Dott

Stage Design Eva Musil

Costume Design Simon Barth

Dramaturgy Andreas Fladvad-Geier

Janna Janna Ramos-Violante

George George Humphreys

Owain Owain Rhys Davies


„Ein rasanter Ritt kann schlauchen, dieser aber erfrischt, und man verlässt das Theater munterer, als man es betreten hat. Alle Shakespeares-Stücke in 97 Minuten zu spielen, kann also funktionieren.“

Salzburger Nachrichten

„Ein herrlicher Stoff für Marco Dott, der als Regisseur seine komödiantischen Neigungen wieder einmal voll ausleben kann. Es ist schon sehr blöd. Aber auch sehr gut.“ [...] Wunderbar flexibel für schnelle Wechsel und von schreiend knallig bis zu lächerlichem Understatement reichend die Kostüme Simon Barths. Ein schneller, spritziger Abend für alle des Englischen Mächtigen, die schrägen Humor lieben und hier massiv auf ihre Rechnung kommen."

Drehpunkt Kultur