Gregor Schulz, Matthias Hermann, Genia Marika Karasek, Rumo Wehrli und Nicola Kripylo
Gregor Schulz, Matthias Hermann, Genia Marika Karasek, Rumo Wehrli und Nicola Kripylo
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Rumo Wehrli und Genia Maria Karasek
Rumo Wehrli und Genia Maria Karasek
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Matthias Hermann und Rumo Wehrli
Matthias Hermann und Rumo Wehrli
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Nicola Kripylo und Matthias Hermann
Nicola Kripylo und Matthias Hermann
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Rumo Wehrli, Genia Maria Karasek, Gregor Schulz, Matthias Hermann und Nicola Kripylo
Rumo Wehrli, Genia Maria Karasek, Gregor Schulz, Matthias Hermann und Nicola Kripylo
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Matthias Hermann und Rumo Wehrli
Matthias Hermann und Rumo Wehrli
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Nicola Kripylo, Gregor Schulz, Rumo Wehrli und Genia Maria Karasek
Nicola Kripylo, Gregor Schulz, Rumo Wehrli und Genia Maria Karasek
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Matthias Hermann, Nicola Kripylo, Rumo Wehrli, Gregor Schulz und Genia Maria Karasek
Matthias Hermann, Nicola Kripylo, Rumo Wehrli, Gregor Schulz und Genia Maria Karasek
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Matthias Hermann, Rumo Wehrli und Gregor Schulz
Matthias Hermann, Rumo Wehrli und Gregor Schulz
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Gregor Schulz, Matthias Hermann und Rumo Wehrli
Gregor Schulz, Matthias Hermann und Rumo Wehrli
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Genia Maria Karasek
Genia Maria Karasek
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Matthias Hermann
Matthias Hermann
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall
Nicola Kripylo und Gregor Schulz
Nicola Kripylo und Gregor Schulz
© SLT / Tobias Witzgall

How to do everything right in life

Sarah Henker / Lea Mantel

World premiere: 10 March 2023 / Kammerspiele


It is all so very complicated! In the year 2023 we want to lead sustainable lives, be inclusive and stand up for social change. We want to keep fit and look even fitter, to stay young and gather life experience. We are searching for personal fulfilment in our work and we question established relationship patterns. We find new words for new concepts and old injustices, we are listening to a greater diversity of perspectives on life and continue to optimise ourselves more and more. And we want to be seen doing all that, ideally in both the real and the virtual world!

Between organic coffee and Instagram postings, what becomes of our morality? Who is “we” anyhow and how do we determine who belongs to that ominous group and who doesn’t? What happens to those who can’t or won’t meet this standard? And whose voice is not even heard in this context?

Lea Mantel and Sarah Henker work as a collective to gather statistics, personal experience, comment columns and documentaries and use it all to develop a dramatised manual for a completely unproblematic daily life that will guide you through your life’s many challenges in a politically correct, safe and sound, equally precise and diverse manner. If in doubt, please consult your physician or pharmacist!

Author Lea Mantel and director Sarah Henker have staged many productions together at the Salzburg State Theatre, including the “Amoral One-Act Plays” and the project “We Should All Be Feminists”. In this commissioned production presented on the stage of the Kammerspiele they dissect the big questions of our times critically, inquiringly and ironically.

Lea Mantel studied scenic writing at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK Berlin) and worked as writer in residence and dramaturg at the Salzburg State Theatre for one year. Sarah Henker studied at the Institute of Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen. She recently directed a production of “The Robbers” at the Salzburg State Theatre. Her work frequently focuses on the examination of social structures. The team is completed by stage and costume designer Eva Musil.

Duration: 2 hours and 15 minutes, one break


Selected performance

We 03/15/2023 07.30 pm


Audio introduction

von Lea Mantel

Cast (on 03/15/2023)


Der Bogen ist raffiniert gespannt, die Sprache hat ein vielschichtiges Gerüst mit doppelten Böden getragen, Sarah Henkers Inszenierung ist klar und deutlich, das Stück bei aller inhaltlicher Relevanz flüssig und reizvoll. Ein Spiegel ohne Anspruch auf Weltverbesserung, aber immerhin ein Spiegel. Der zeigt wenigstens auf, wo und wie wir uns erfolgreich der annähernden Erkenntnis vom Wesen der Dinge verweigern. Warmer Erfolg beim Publikum, das Witz und Humor im Spiel humanitärer Tragik schätzen konnte.
